
Client: Carvana

Carvana is famous for their car vending machines: unique, fully-automated, multi-story car pickup experiences. They came to us with an idea to have a portable version of the vending machine they could move around to different festivals and events. It was an ambitious dream to help them stand out in a fairly saturated field.

Mixing larger than life optics, creative interactivity, and both digital & physical takeaways, this brand experience has it all. We built the giant vending machine to contain a real car chassis with working lights and horn. Guests are told to shake the vending machine to retrieve their car and, after much effort, they are gifted a tiny toy car and emailed a video of themselves shaking the vending machine.

We love this project because it is easily reactivated, memorable, and it combines technology and real world interactivity in a humorous way.


Case Study

