EGT Goat Rocket
Client: EGT Token ($EGT)
In The News: Business Insider | Phoenix New TImes
After an Elon Musk currency launched, Elon Goat Token ($EGT) tasked Spectacle to help construct an attention-drawing $600,000 statue of an Elon Goat-Body riding a rocket into the world of cryptocurrency that was just as large, as it was bizarre. The scope of the project involved fabricating the skeleton and metal shell of the main rocket, along with the goat body comprised of thin metal pieces carefully assembled to create the shape of a goat’s body. Spectacle also configured the hydraulics, thruster, sound effects, CO2 systems rocket boosters that blast flames to closely emulate a real rocket. Upon embarking on its trans-continental journey, the statue drew considerably media attention for the outlandish tribute to Musk.